Family room


These rooms are located on the ground floor, near the children’s playroom. The rooms are suitable for families with two to four children or couples who would like to have simple, yet comfortable accommodation. The East room has its own shower/WC, the South room has a shower/WC on the same floor.

Room sample
Room sample

Room amenities

  • 24 to 32 m2

  • Double bed (2 separate mattresses)

  • With own shower/WC or bath/WC (partly in the corridor)

  • Wood parquet floor

  • Desk

  • Towels

  • Hairdryer

  • Wi-Fi in public areas

  • Non-smoking room

From CHF 175.–


Online buchen

Benefints & mögliche Zusatzleistungen

  • Im Sommer (bei einem Aufenthalt ab 2 Nächten):

    • Bergbahn inklusive. Kostenlose Benutzung aller offenen Sommerbergbahnen im Oberengadin.
    • ÖV-Inklusive. Freie Fahrt mit dem öffentlichen Verkehr mit Bus und der Rhätischen Bahn im gesamten Streckennetz des Oberengadins.
    • ÖV-Inklusive + Bergell. Zusätzlich ist die Fahrt mit dem Postauto ins Bergell und bis nach Chiavenna (IT) inklusive.
  • Im Winter (bei einem Aufenthalt ab 2 Nächten):

    • ÖV-Inkl. für die Region Engadin St. Moritz.
    • Hotelskipass für CHF 47 pro Person/Tag.


    These rooms are more generously proportioned and are located on the first and second floors. The room is very spacious for two people, and with extra beds there is even room for a family. The Superior Family Room South has no balcony but a private bathroom with a bath/toilet in the room.

    Room sample

    Room amenities

    • 24 to 33 m

    • Double bed (2 separate mattresses)

    • Shower/toilet in the room or private bathroom with bath/toilet on the same floor

    • Some rooms have a balcony

    • Wood parquet floor

    • Desk

    • Towels

    • Hairdryer

    • Wi-Fi

    • Non-smoking room

    From CHF 205.–


    These rooms are larger than average and have an additional, separate room. They are located on the second floor and have a wonderful view off into the distance. These rooms are popular with guests planning a longer stay.

    Room sample

    Room amenities

    • 38 to 43 m2

    • 2 rooms with a connecting door

    • Double bed (2 separate mattresses)

    • Bath/toilet in room

    • Wood parquet floor

    • Desk

    • Towels

    • Hairdryer

    • Wi-Fi

    • Non-smoking room

    From CHF 260.–


    Our rooms

    All 19 rooms are individually furnished. Equipped with antique furniture and some even with a cosy tiled stove, every room is different.